Friday 8 November 2019

Speaking Anxiety

Did you know that....?

*the fear of speaking in public is called glossophobia.

*it is the single most common phobia (fear)

*approximately 75% of people experience this

*you are not alone in your fear

*you cannot eliminate your fear–but you CAN manage and reduce it.

Resultado de imagen para inspirational mantras to use before speaking in public

Get ready to speak!

*Prepare carefully–know you're in for!

*Practice–rehearse alone, in the shower, in front of the mirror, with family or friends!

*Challenge negative thinking–make 3 x 5 cards of positive inspirational thoughts or mantra.s

*Expect positive reactions–expect success!

*Employ breathing exercise strategies.

Imagen relacionada

*Eat for success–foods containing tryptophan (dairy products, turkey, salmon) and complex carbohydrates tend to calm the body. Eliminate caffeine, sweets, and empty calories.

*Sleep for success–know and get the number of hours of sleep you need for optimal performance.

 Imagen relacionada

The Day of the interview

* Eat several hours before the talk–not immediately before!

*Dress for success–your success! Dress comfortably and appropriately for the situation. Look your best!
*Challenge negative thinking–Continue positive thinking!
*If you need to, express your fears to a friend.
*Review 3 x 5 cards of inspirational thoughts!
Imagen relacionada
*Practice one last time!
*Hold something in your hand that you can play with or squeeze tight immediately before the talk to reduce adrenaline levels. 
Resultado de imagen para rosario para rezar
Resultado de imagen para squeezing ball
    • Employ anxiety reduction techniques
    • Aerobic exercise
    • Deep muscle relaxation
    • Visualization strategies
    • Deep, rhythmic breathing (4 hold 7) 
*Use the restroom a while before the interview.
*Take a bottle of water along.
 *Interpret anxiety symptoms as excitement
*Appropriately regulate your voice
    • Speak clearly–enunciate
    • Open your mouth–do not mumble
    • Slow down if necessary
    • Lower your voice–speak from your diaphragm
    • Project your voice–use energy when you speak
    • Use appropriate gestures and body language 

Public Speaking Anxiety Tips